Rescue Boxer Fundraiser

Panzu Brewery 7251 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd., Mint Hill, NC, United States

More info coming soon...

Charlotte SPCA Fundraiser

Panzu Brewery 7251 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd., Mint Hill, NC, United States

🐶DOGS, PUPPIES, Cuteness!🐶 Come out and support the Charlotte SPCA from 12-4pm on our patio! Pet all the doggies while enjoying a refreshing beer!

Special Olympics Fundraiser with MHPD

Panzu Brewery 7251 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd., Mint Hill, NC, United States

Come out and support the Special Olympics NC as we co-host a fundraiser with the Mint Hill Police Department! You can donate directly to the Mint Hill officers that will be there or by purchasing a Panzú Beer, and Panzú will donate $1 during the event hours. So come out and support the cause!